More Conversations | Avoid another meeting

🎙️ The Conversation

There are moments when you say, “Let’s set up a meeting to talk about this. I’ll look for some time on calendar to discuss,” or “Let’s hop on a quick call. Just have a few quick questions.” In those moments, you have a decision to make — you can add to the 3 to 5 hours of your day spent in a meeting, or you can try an Async Meeting with Carbon Voice instead. You'll save time because there's no need to schedule, and everyone can talk and think without rushing. Carbon Voice will even remind people to join in and give you a meeting summary of key takeaways and action items when the meeting is over.

Follow the steps below to create an Async Meeting to save time and talk without the scheduling.

Create the Meeting

  1. From the app Home Screen, tap the “+” to create an Async Meeting.
  2. Set the Meeting Topic, e.g. “Offsite Planning”
  3. Pick a respond-by date and time. Carbon Voice will nudge people to listen and engage!
  4. Add meeting collaborators via their their email addresses or choose ****to share a link to join.
  5. Record a kickoff message to explain the purpose of the meeting and any rules of engagement.

📨 Your meeting collaborators will receive notifications via their emails when new messages are shared into the meeting as well as reminders to engage. They can listen and reply from their browser when they are available. The emails also provide links to download the app if they prefer.

Quick tips:

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