Your Carbon Voice inbox is where you’ll be notified of important messages, actions, workspace and conversation invites and notifications and other information:

How your Inbox is organized

You Carbon Voice notification inbox is organized into sections, to make it as easy to manage as possible:

  1. All: Everything across all the sections will show up here.
  2. Workspace: This is where workspace related notifications will show up”
    1. Someone requested to join X workspace
    2. X workspace has changed name to Y workspace
    3. User invited A person to join X workspace
    4. User invited X people to join Y workspace
    5. User joined X workspace
    6. Data export requests and processing status
    7. Other relevant instructions or updates for admins
  3. Mentions: Find all messages where someone has tagged you in one place.
  4. Carbon Voice: Get notified when your contacts have joined Carbon Voice
  5. Security Updates: Find updates on login attempts, conversation and workspace name changes and more.
  6. General: Get the latest information from your Carbon Voice team, e.g. information on the newest app updates, Carbon Voice blog articles and more.