More Conversations | Investor Updates

🎙️ The Conversation

An ongoing dialogue with investors helps investors stay up to date with the business and add value to the founding team. Emails can be time consuming and calls are hard to schedule, often delaying the opportunity for interaction.

Follow the steps below to share timely updates that investors can reply to without the pain of scheduling dialogue on everyone’s own schedule.

Create the Conversation

  1. From the app Home Screen → Tap the “+” to create a Named Conversation (this lets you add more people to the conversation later).
    1. Name it: “<Company> Investor Update” (Add logo if you like.)
    2. Attach any frequently access links or documents, such as link to dashboards, data rooms, etc. (Optional)
    3. Add investors via their their email address and hit create.
  2. Send a first message to explain when you’ll share updates in the Conversation and any relevant rules of engagement - or, just share your first update!

📨 Your investors will receive emails when updates are shared into the Conversation. They can listen and reply from their browser when convenient for them. The emails also provide links to get the app if they prefer.

Quick tips
