
I’d love for us to try out Carbon Voice as a way to communicate and collaborate more effectively, especially when we’re on the go. It’s designed to save us time, reduce meetings, and help us stay connected and cohesive as a team. Here’s a quick overview:

You can read more about the benefits here: Why Carbon Voice?

To get started:

  1. Make sure you are on your mobile device. Download the app here: and log-in with your work email.
  2. After you’ve downloaded the app, tap on this link to join our team workspace: [insert Workspace link here]. This will get you logged in and connected to our Workspace.
  3. Find and join our team Conversations. (From Home, tap on Spaces and tap on the team’s Workspace. Then, scroll to the bottom and tap “Join Conversations” to find and join our team’s open Conversations.)
  4. Try sending me a message from the app to let me know you’ve successfully signed-up and downloaded it!

I’m excited to see how this can help us work smarter!